
  1. 6 Creative Exercises to Nurture Awareness

    2020-10-23 01:33:09 UTC
    As our experience has shown; learning, sharing, and being conscious about our creative exercises has been such a healthy habit for our mental processes & overall well-being.  That said, the intention of this blog post is to share our current creative practices to both expand on our present process and…

  2. Awareness in the Creative Process

    2020-10-15 23:20:15 UTC
    Creativity and Spirituality go hand in hand in the way both optimize/maximize our immersion in the here & now, our transcendence of stress and anxiety, the dissolution of any limitation of expression through our curiosity; our ability to play, deconstruct, experiment, explore, learn, love; tapping into a higher frequency That…

  3. Creative Temples

    2020-09-03 23:21:40 UTC
    Let us think about space for a moment.  Space that is both physical and mental, both given and created, accidental and intentional. The inseparable relationship between the experience and the experiencer. More specifically, about the places where we feel (or have felt) the most inspired, creative, safe, in peace, in…

  4. List of Mantras that Align Awareness

    2020-08-28 02:30:27 UTC
    Here you’ll find the complete collection of Mantras that have been invaluable tools for our minds. Keep in mind that this list will stay updated as we continue to grow together in both conversation and individual experience. We’ll also be hyperlinking the mantras as soon as we come up with

  5. Visual Mantra Manifesto

    2020-08-13 23:48:00 UTC
    - In this space we share our process of healing through art. - And like a mantra, where each word is essential to the whole, all the elements of our artworks are equally intentional. -  That said, as we continue to observe this ever-fluctuating growth in our practice & expression;…

  6. Healing from Within

    2020-06-28 01:14:38 UTC
    I’m sharing this as an invitation to reciprocate wisdom from our life’s path and enjoy this growth in community I feel that throughout my public artistic & social expression I’ve maintained a certain discretion with this type of message.Why? Because I’ve been learning, taking notes, exploring and stretching my creativity;…

  7. Visions of a Peaceful Future

    2020-06-22 03:50:00 UTC
    Before we start, I want to give a big s/o to my amazing and super talented hermana Indigo (@indig0Art) for inviting me to collaborate in this Austin mural project for the Black Lives Matter movement. This marks our first mural collaboration and we couldn’t have been more satisfied with the…

  8. You Have One Powerful Voice

    2020-06-06 17:19:35 UTC
    Key Concepts:  Be patient -> take your time -> own your processBe authentic -> question your past beliefs -> introspective cleanseBe mindful -> free yourself  judgement -> open mindset -> free expressionStay grounded -> return to the essence -> heal from withinContribute to the collective progress in your own way…

  9. The Fibonacci Love Collab

    2020-05-14 23:10:26 UTC
    I’m so excited -and grateful- to be announcing the release of a project that I’ve been working on with an amazing friend of mine that combines one of my favorite mediums (bandanas) and one of my dearest and most intentional designs <3 I hope you like this as much as…

  10. Floating in Awareness

    2020-04-23 21:23:00 UTC
    Why do we write this?  To share a snapshot of the present perception. To record and grow through a more intentional introspective check-in. To provoke curiosity, connections, conversations and collective growth. With an open mind, this is how the present looks. Foundations of the human experience EssenceIn the search…

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