
Posts tagged with Art

  1. Transcending Identity

    We, as layers of identity, are filled with entities; countless masks from experiences.The authorities who raise us puts them on,& so it becomes part of our own.  Genders, nationalities, families, races, ages, religions, culture,talents, careers, hobbies, social circles, relationships.The art we consume, the brands that consume us.Our successes, failures, psyche,…

  2. Welcome Dear EAST Guest!

    Well Hello!  Whether you’re here because you followed the link at the back of one of my prints (and bought it in the process) or just because you looked up my website directly, I wrote this post for you. Here I’ll share my intention with each of the prints…

  3. Personal Interest

    ¿Qué dicen de mí mis expresiones y movimientos, mi manera de hablar, el tono y el acento de mi voz, mis tics y miradas? Mi elección de palabras, los modales del pasado, mis rutinas inconscientes, las palabras inventadas, mis reacciones, la lecciones aprendidas -¿Cuál es la consecuencia de mi reflexión…

  4. Sharing Art for the Earth

    While writing the blog post “Recognizing the Nature Within”, I came up with this question that greatly challenged the way I wanted to go about the things that I love to do and that I’m good at.  A paraphrase of this question is: What can we do to make a…

  5. Reflection About Our Personal Techniques

    The great artists of the world stood out for their ability to innovate, for the ingenuity of their ideas, because of the advanced execution of their concepts. Revolutionaries who threw themselves into the void to try different ways of creating, to see things with a different lens, ~to think outside…

  6. Recognizing the Nature Within

    We call “veins” the vines of our bodies. We were given various root systems that have a different languages and functions. Our brain is electricity; our hearts, magnetic fields.  Hearts that distribute hemoglobin molecules powered by atoms of iron at their core. The iron that was born from Supernovas and…

  7. The Philosophy of Intersection

    Think about the things that you’ve -consciously or unconsciously- intersected in your life.  Think about the things you’ve done, are doing, or want to do that have an authentic relationship with your personality/essence.  For that, I’d recommend to grab the good ol’ pencil and paper and create a list with…

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