Órbita Semanal: The Second Update

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by Bryan G. Olivas and Marcelo S. Villaseñor

The Vernal Equinox (Spring) marks the beginning of a new solar year- we write this 2nd update of Órbita Semanal (ÓS) to share what we have learned this year, as well as our shared vision for 2024.

We are looking forward to celebrating & starting a new year of ÓS with you.

To put things in perspective, in the Spring of 2023 we began implementing the themes and lessons of the Zodiac into our lives. This was influenced largely by Alice Bailey’s “Twelve Labours of Hercules.” The Zodiac -through this interpretation- inspires themes such as the overcoming of our ego in Leo, the development of our self-inquiry in Virgo, achieving balance in Libra, death and rebirth in Scorpio, and our connection as a collective in Aquarius ✧ According to Bailey, the Sun is the hero who passes through each challenge and learns the corresponding lessons. Those themes, then, are reflected in our personal hero’s journey. Every year is an opportunity to cultivate our heart-mind-spirit connection and to contribute to the ever-changing unfoldment of our individual & collective history.

Key Aspects of Órbita Semanal

First, as a re-introduction, here’s a summary of how Órbita Semanal (ÓS) came to life:

  • It all started because we wished to cultivate the momentum of our personal development, relationships, and ideas.
  • We began by reflecting upon the ways in which our culture has related to the days of the week and its calendar.
  • Our curiosity led us to study the root-meaning of the days of the 7-day cycle and to question our relationship with our energy, attention, and patterns.
  • We, then, created a guidebook that revitalizes the way we take action through a combination of heart-centered spiritual development with symbolic techniques for introspection & productivity (self-actualization).
  • We now propose a new vision where we ally together to take creative agency in our lives and help to co-create a better world for ourselves and one another.

This life-changing process has been developed through our questioning of the modern structures of organization and the ways in which we align with nature and its cycles:

  • Now our Órbit begins with the Sun ☉ (Sunday)
  • Our lunar cycle (Moon-th) begins at the New Moon
  • And our year begins on the Vernal Equinox / Spring ♈︎ (Aries)

What we have learned in this initial stage of ÓS is how valuable it is to integrate information into knowledge. ÓS provides us that support, and we are ever-excited to now be sharing this with you.

Grateful Reflections of Our 1st Year

As we fuse the experiences & memories from this significant Solar Cycle, we hold dear to our hearts the workshops that we’ve hosted, our online gatherings; the many 1-on-1 conversations about our story, the project and the ways in which ÓS has developed our language; and the recent hosting of our Creative Renaissance Series!

We also refined and translated our ÓS Guidebook! (Ahora en Español: Guía ÓS ✧)

Thanks to ÓS, this year has connected us more deeply with our inner voice and childlike wonder. We have had a greater capacity to cultivate our ideas and express ourselves. This practice has allowed us to understand and integrate the natural cycles in our lives, promoting consistency, clarity and encouragement towards the new challenges and opportunities that are here to expand upon our soul’s purpose.

Naturally, this perpetual alignment with our process invites us to keep developing this shared work through this present message and in the cycles to come. For that, we are ever-grateful.

Integrating our knowledge through the Solar Cycle.

How can the Solar Cycle help guide our lives? By exploring and implementing the themes that each Zodiac sign holds as the Sun journeys through its 12 phases, we are better able to integrate this learning process with our human unfoldment. These periods not only relate to each other, but also align with the four seasons–allowing us to be in sync with the rhythm of the natural world.

As you can see in the visual above, this cycle begins with Aries (Vernal Equinox) and completes itself through Piscis. In the ÓS Guidebook you’ll also find our synthesis of each sign based on Bailey and Senard (resources mentioned below).

About Aquarius ♒️, the present sign:

Recently we have been studying and applying the themes of Aquarius which we lined up with our hosting of the Creative Renaissance. There we shared themes such as: the transformative potential of community gatherings, our conscious use of technology, and the process of being the soul and not only the body, and more. This has been informed by the conversations we have been leading this year with the wisdom we have integrated; one source being “The Twelve Labours of Hercules”, which invite us to become the masters of our own lives and in turn contribute to the collective consciousness. It inspires our souls to higher aspirations as we overcome our challenges with confidence and trust, and we like that : )

If you’d like to know more, read our blog post about Aquarius here.

The sources of our studies

Although the Internet is abound with information on the planets, moon phases, and the Zodiac signs, we built ÓS with these main resources that have trust-worthy information: (Always with discernment)

  • “A Dictionary of Symbols” by Juan Eduardo Cirlot
  • “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall
  • “The Twelve Labours of Hercules” by Alice A. Bailey

A New Collective Vision

Our intention is to come together, share notes, expand our imagination, and reciprocate our joy; for us to learn better ways to live. 

When we allow ourselves to liberate our expression, we in turn invite others to join in.

Here are the ways in which we’ll continue the conversation.

  • May 17th, 2024 OSCR Act ii 7-10
  • Email us to join our 2024 Online Journaling Group.
  • Follow Órbita Semanal on Instagram.

Órbita Semanal has revitalized our thinking through daily awareness and that has improved our relationship to ourselves, others, and nature.

ÓS is a practice of developing our ideas and presence through journaling and digital note-taking. This process of observation towards expression that began with curiosity is now our path to wisdom. In alignment with the week, the month, and the year, (the Órbit, Moon-th, and Solar Cycle) we are connected to our cycles and patterns and in turn we’re better able to self-direct our energy.

Thank you to all who support our work and share in this love for life. This path is one of deep gratitude, and you’re invited.

With Love,

Bryan and Marcelo

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