On Community, Technology, and our Collective Vision

Written by Bryan & Marcelo

The Story thus far

It all began 1 billion years ago when animal life evolved on Earth, and since then things have been really happening jaja. 1.4 million years ago humans harnessed fire. 120,000 years ago, we (Homo sapiens) appear in the fossil record, and ~9000 years ago people came together to build and record civilization. Yet only in the last 500 years did the world begin to look like any semblance of modern society. 

The Renaissance period, with its introduction of translated ancient knowledge, and increased literacy raised the collective awareness. Exposure to new art & science characteristic of this period contributed to a rebirth. The Renaissance established international systems, lead to scientific breakthroughs, and brought about technological advancements. This movement of people and exchange of ideas birthed the world in which we currently live.

Now with the internet, there is a new rebirth available to us. Through our tools* we can now communicate, share, and learn unlike ever before. We can now access information previously inaccessible to most people and express ourselves in novel and creative ways. This is all a big deal!

The question we are all invited to explore then is: “What do you think more people would benefit from knowing in this Creative Renaissance?”

We Ópen Circle in this blog by sharing what we’ve learned.

Using our Tools in our Favor

How can we improve our relationship with ourselves and others with the assistance of the tools and technology (phone, laptop, etc.) that we have available to us?

For us, in honor of using our technology for our benefit, we have expanded our writing and digital organization through ÓS. We have developed a personal practice of writing, reading, and action. This is rooted in the belief that our development alongside nature (what is natural) leads us back to knowledge of self. That self-knowledge allows us to create authentic and healthy relationships with ourselves, others, and technology too. One way to integrate this into our lives has been: One way we’ve integrated this into our life has been through the creation of a database (second brain) that is mutually supported by our ÓS practice. This has extended our internal process into our projects and digital organization.

What can AI add to this? Let’s ask : ) We asked CHATGPT: “How can we use technology to improve our lives and relationships?” ”Embracing technology in our daily lives brings a plethora of benefits to our relationships. Communication platforms, scheduling apps, and collaborative tools facilitate seamless interaction, enhancing coordination and reducing stress. Health and fitness apps promote shared wellness goals, while online learning platforms foster continuous growth together. Smart home devices streamline daily tasks, allowing more time for meaningful connections. Social networking and virtual events offer opportunities to expand our social circles and celebrate together, regardless of physical distance. While embracing technology, it’s crucial to establish tech-free quality time and prioritize face-to-face interactions for a balanced and fulfilling relational experience.”

With this in mind, we hosted a set of online video calls with friends and collaborators for further insight and collective ideation. 

The Meetings and our Community Topics

These calls were inspired by themes from the current Age of Aquarius ♒️. The topics that we highlighted were: community-building & innovation, our questioning of the current systems we live in, and ways in which we could create a new collective vision based in humanitarianism.

We shared personal inspirations and how we envision ourselves developing our practice and co-creating with others for this year and the cycles to come. Max began the discussion with an affirmation: “I am loving awareness, and the highest form of self-love is discipline” We discussed the use of AI for creativity. Abbey shared a poem as well as her experience with using AI. Gia added, “It is not only about creating art, it is about how we feel while making it.” Honey of Honey’s Eden, a modern day [salon], shared her experience holding space for learning and art exhibition. Carson highlighted leaning into our passions and preferred roles in this new renaissance. Suzanne expressed the value of teaching and mentoring others as, “not everyone knows their strength yet.” Justen proposed pooling together our resources + skills to develop our collaborations. We all imagined ways in which we could further Co-art, Co-create, and Co-play. Marcelo is excited to continue learning more about physical, mental, and spiritual health. Bryan questions ways in which we can take small actions daily to contribute to individual and communal unity. All of us were engaged in deep conversation, like the cafés of the Renaissance period.

Some specific questions were:

  • ¿What are we looking forward to developing within our own life?
  • ¿How can we connect our talents and skills for our mutual benefit?
  • ¿How can we come together to create a better world?

We asked in a collective Gdoc how we could build community grounded in compassion and sustainability? Here is an answer by Suzanne:

“I don’t see everyone going off grid, but I see many establishments of communities respective to our locations, be it in cities, suburbs, or more rural areas. And said communities networking with one another like synapses in a brain.

I see a return to fulfilling practices of service, community, communion with nature, purpose, love (and Ikigai concept). We still operate under the structure of old powers but I see more empowerment on individual and community levels that allow streams of income, while lessening the grip of 9-5 grind culture to survive.

I see a return and resurfacing of ancient knowledge and wisdom that was “lost,” such as healing properties of herbs, fruits, vegetables and leafy greens, or other ancient practices of breathwork, sun-gazing, meditation, divination etc.”

We carry this forward by striving to be ”individuals living authentically without criticism; embodying their highest joy, following their hearts, and encouraging others to do the same.” -Carsun

Our conversation included a return to fulfilling practices, guided by ancient wisdom and modern technology, nurturing better family relationships and a friendship revitalization.

Collective New Vision

We believe that we are in a time where we can explore new possibilities unlike ever before thanks to the present knowledge and technology. To regain our focus on community and our own sovereign involvement in it. We intend to share a big picture that leaves room for everyone to add their vision. That big picture being grounded in compassion and sustainability. We brought forth ideas on ways we could begin to personally integrate empowering practices alongside today’s technology. If you’d like to learn more, we’ve shared more of this in our ÓS gathering as well as on our other blog posts : )

The big picture for us is everyone co-creating this transformation. Where we join in on this collective rebirth oriented towards learning, unlearning, healing, and expression. This Age of Aquarius -where everyone can benefit from-holds exciting new possibilities ahead. There is an approach grounded in caution, not fear, that could be taken here to honor our own power in this.

Here we conclude on how change begins on the personal level and extends out to others. Which brings us full circle with our question from the beginning: “What do you think more people would benefit from knowing in this Creative Renaissance?”

Share your responses with us at this google form.

Thank you friends and readers and remember your voice matters - we all have something valuable to contribute 🌞

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