Message to the Friends of the ÓS Guide


We write to you give you an update and share a vision for 2024, share notes, and to invite conversation around Órbita Semanal.We appreciate all the support and interest you’ve taken to connecting with us and either coming out to an event and/or purchasing a guidebook from us.

We want to honor that by sharing best practices and some themes that have been on our mind.

The Vision

We have the intention of forming community around ways that support us and improve our condition in every way. This year is foreshadowed to be as difficult as any year before and so we propose really engaging more deeply with our life and relationships. Through presence, self care, and community action we can truly make a difference. That is what we would like to keep burning is the flame of hope and reason and we live our lives day by day.

To update we are hosting more events in 2024:

The Creative Renaissance Social Gathering at ArtUs.Co on Jan 21 in ATX. We will be having an ÓS check-in through video call in February (TBA) and a meeting on ‘The Study of the Year’ in March (TBA)

We would love to hear a response to this question: 

¿How has your week felt since utilizing the guide?

2024 and the Solar Cycle

This time and season from an ÓS Perspective:

Winter: A time of rooting and conserving energy, this is a period of being really efficient with our work and time so that we do not burn out while doing steady quiet work. Like trees we are encouraged to dig our roots deeper. This could be more time alone, more intentional time with others, and/or really pouring our energy into what really matters to us.

New Moon in Capricorn Jan 11: The New Moon is about intentions and new beginnings. This phase invites us to surrender the habits and patterns that have limited us from regaining our power throughout the week and other cycles. With the Moon stationed in Capricorn we are invited to look at our to do lists with fresh eyes and face the reality of our responsibilities and limitations. Capricorn is associated with Saturn/The Father and is about work/sustenance/ security and so we are asked to look at those themes as we set our vision for 2024.

Ask yourself: ¿What benefits would you like to receive from your organization in 2024?

Capricorn: The word for this time is to keep a disciplined spirit. An overarching theme is helping improve our relationship with our parents, family systems, and our own role in these relationships. It is helpful to lean into trust and to live from the heart.

”When things get hard will I revert to old ways?” This is a great opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to ourselves and our lives desires and mission. The key is in how we meet these desires. ⭐️ ”How can we meet life not from a place of reaction, but from a place of power?”

This study in totality helps inform our understanding of collective and personal themes and how they may play out in our lives or on the whole. 

The key as we see it is to keep going. Stay curious, calm, and together. Let’s keep the fire burning.

See you soon,


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